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Poster image for the film "Painkiller"
TV (Fiction/True Story)


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The truth behind a devastating epidemic unfolds

The origins of the opioid crises in the United States, as seen through the eyes of perpetrators, victims, and truth-seekers.

Impact in Action

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The film "Painkiller" serves as a powerful lens through which we can understand the devastating impact of the opioid crisis on American society. By delving into the origins of this epidemic, the film not only sheds light on the personal stories of those affected—victims, perpetrators, and truth-seekers—but also ignites critical conversations around policy reform and community action.

With approximately 9.7 million Americans misusing prescription pain relievers in 2019 and the economic burden of the crisis estimated at over $78 billion annually, the need for immediate and effective solutions is more urgent than ever. "Painkiller" emphasizes the importance of awareness and education, revealing that over 70% of opioid overdose deaths involve prescription opioids, a stark reminder of the responsibility that healthcare providers bear in prescribing practices.

As communities grapple with the consequences of the opioid epidemic, the film encourages a collective response. For instance, the narrative illustrates how one rural Kentucky county, with a population of less than 12,000, witnessed nine overdose deaths in just nine months, highlighting the critical need for targeted interventions in both urban and rural settings.

Ultimately, "Painkiller" is more than just a film; it is a call to action, urging viewers to advocate for change and support initiatives that address the complexities of addiction and its far-reaching effects on society.

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