What happens when fear meets desperation? In "Mosquito Lady," a terrified teenager grapples with an unplanned pregnancy amidst a backdrop of tightening abortion restrictions
With nowhere to turn, she seeks help from a mysterious neighbor, a figure cloaked in warnings and whispers. This is not just a story about a choice; it's a haunting reflection on the struggle for autonomy and the dire consequences of societal constraints. As the narrative unfolds, the chilling figure of the manananggal—a vampiric creature from Philippine folklore—emerges, symbolizing the painful transformations faced by those stripped of their rights. "Mosquito Lady" is a powerful call to confront the realities of reproductive rights, leaving audiences both unsettled and inspired to advocate for change.
Impact beyond the screen
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Kristine is working on a feature length film version of this film. Your support helps to get this to the finish line, as well as fund the impact partnership creation upon official release.
Support these community-recommended nonprofits.
- Sister Song
SisterSong is a Southern based, national membership organization; our purpose is to build an effective network of individuals and organizations to improve institutional policies and systems that impact the reproductive lives of marginalized communities.
- National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF)
NNAF is a network of 100 abortion funds. Abortion funds are grassroots organizations that support people seeking abortion access. Together, we’re organizing at the crossroads of racial, economic, and reproductive justice.
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