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Poster image for the film Mosquito Lady
Shorts (Fiction/True Story)
Official Empact partner

Mosquito Lady

Campaign Goals

Kristine is working on a feature length film version of this film. Your support helps to get this to the finish line, as well as fund the impact partnership creation upon official release.

Terrified of telling her parents that she’s pregnant as restrictions to abortion access worsen, a desperate teenager seeks the help of a reclusive neighbor who her parents warned her about. Mosquito Lady was created in reaction to the terrifying state of reproductive rights. This film features the manananggal, a vampiric, fetus-eating creature from Philippine folklore that endures excruciatingly painful werewolf-like transformations, to highlight the consequences of restricting access to abortion and sexual health education, and to use it as a metaphor for the horrors of losing bodily autonomy.
