"Searching for Amani" is a character-driven coming-of-age documentary that follows thirteen-year-old aspiring journalist Simon Ali as he navigates the challenging landscape of a climate crisis while uncovering the mystery of his father's murder
Set against the backdrop of Laikipia's largest wildlife conservancy, the film explores themes of loss, resilience, and the pursuit of truth. Through Simon's journey, the documentary aims to inspire viewers to engage with pressing social issues and advocate for change.
Impact beyond the screen
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Through an impactful campaign focused on education and raising awareness of the film's challenging yet essential themes, our goal is to shift attitudes, broaden perspectives, and inspire action. The core of our impact strategy is to empower people worldwide to discover and resonate with the film's message, utilizing the tools we provide to initiate their own movements and foster the independent growth of the campaign. We aspire for the campaign to extend far beyond our immediate reach and have a ripple effect that reaches a wider audience.
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