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Poster image for the film "Emergent City"
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Film - (Documentary)

Emergent City

  • Kelly Anderson, Jay Arthur Sterrenberg
  • 2024
  • 95 min
Active Impact Campaign

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Welcome to the heart of Brooklyn

Over a decade, a microcosm of democracy emerges in Brooklyn’s Sunset Park based on rising rents, environmental racism, and the loss of industrial jobs. When a developer buys Industry City—a big industrial waterfront complex—and builds an innovation district, a battle erupts. Emergent City sheds light on power and process, explores intersections of gentrification, climate, and real estate development and asks how change can emerge despite the dominance of money, politics, and business as usual.

Impact in Action

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Emergent City not only tells a powerful story but also catalyzes action towards a more equitable future. This documentary sheds light on the critical intersection of gentrification, climate change, and community resilience, compelling viewers to confront the realities faced by frontline communities in Sunset Park.

UPROSE, the nonprofit at the heart of this movement, aims to decarbonize Sunset Park while empowering local residents. Their efforts resonate deeply, as the community grapples with rising rents and environmental racism. This film serves as a rallying cry, inspiring over 1,000 attendees at their September 28th festival, "Climate Justice Lives Here," to engage in meaningful dialogue and action.

By advocating for a Just Transition, UPROSE encourages communities to lead the charge towards sustainable solutions that prioritize social, racial, and economic justice. Emergent City exemplifies how storytelling can drive change, leading to tangible impacts in policy and community mobilization.

Impact Goals

We will share letter of support for UPROSE campaign to decarbonize Sunset Park, and we also encourage people to come to UPROSE's Sept. 28th festival "Climate Justice Lives Here."

The non-profit UPROSE's work is done in the interest of a Just Transition, a move away from the extraction economy and towards climate solutions that put frontline communities in positions of leadership. Their work occurs at the intersection of social, racial, economic, environmental, and climate justice, where different campaigns and initiatives naturally feed into, complement, and support one another.

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