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Poster image for the film "Canary"
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Film - (Documentary)


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Canary is more than just a film; it's a journey into the heart of our planet

Witness the extraordinary life of Dr. Lonnie Thompson, an explorer who went where no scientist had gone before and transformed our idea of what is possible. Daring to seek Earth’s history contained in glaciers atop the tallest mountains in the world, Lonnie found himself on the frontlines of climate change—his life’s work evolving into a salvage mission to recover these priceless historical records before they disappear forever.

Impact in Action

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The film "Canary" serves as a powerful wake-up call to society, illustrating the urgent need for action in the face of climate change. By documenting Dr. Lonnie Thompson's groundbreaking research in glacial environments, the film highlights how the loss of these ancient ice records could erase crucial evidence of our planet's climatic history.

With over 90% of the world’s glaciers retreating, Dr. Thompson’s mission becomes not just scientific exploration but a race against time to preserve vital information before it melts away. The film has already sparked conversations in communities and policy-making circles, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding our natural resources.

"Canary" encourages viewers to recognize the interconnectedness of climate change and human activity, urging them to take action in their own lives and advocate for policies that protect our environment. By showcasing the scientific community's efforts to recover these historical records, the film empowers audiences to participate in the dialogue and drive change—one community at a time.

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